I'm Adam

Full-Stack Web Developer

I specialise in React, Typescript and creating beautiful web interfaces.
Welcome to my portfolio, hosted from my Raspberry Pi

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Spotify music manager

React, Javascript, HTML, CSS A re-imagined version of Spotify, made using React. Uses the official Spotify API to connect your account and manage your music. Explore new artists, find new songs and follow new playlists. Create new playlists or edit existing ones with in-built drag & drop to organise your music.

Calendar Organiser

Next Js, Typescript, Firebase, HTML, CSS Log-in to your google account to access this Calendar app. Allows you to create events for a selected day, edit events, delete events. Simple interface, clean and easy to use. View upcoming events at a glance.

Picture Puzzle Game

Javacript, HTML, CSS Upload an image or take a photo to play. Your image gets sliced into squares and each square is shuffled, re-create the original image by sliding the pieces around the board to win. Whats the fastest time you can get?

Loan Calculator

React, HTML, CSS Clean and simple loan payment calculator app. Built in React with a borrowed / interest comparison pie chart.

Date Picker

Javacript, HTML, CSS A simple but powerful Calendar. Allows for single date selection or range selection. Ease to use, 2 clicks to select dates between a range. Displays dates selected as well as highlighting current day.

Looping Image Carousel

Javascript, HTML, CSS A simple but clean infinitely looping content carousel, slides left and right through content. Loops seamlessly. Scales to any screen size.

3D Image Gallery

Javascript, HTML, CSS 3D image gallery with seamless looping. Images are rotated around a point, emulating a circle. Images at the back of the circle are hidden as they move out of view, and shown again just before they appear back into view.

About Me

I'm Adam Demol, I've been building websites for over 10 years, with a background working in PHP, Jquery and MysQL.
In recent years I have been studying and achieved a Diploma of Advanced Programming, Certificate IV in Information Technology and a Certificate of completion for Harvard's CS50x course.

Right now I primarily work with JavaScript/TypeScript and React/NextJs, Building full-stack applications. Otherwise I spend my time learning new technologies or languages such as Go-lang, Python, Docker or alternative front-end frameworks like Svelte.

Currently seeking a full-stack web developer role.

Created by Adam Demol - 2024